Plant for the production of dimethylformamide in Shanghai online-store shang hai sen fei hua xue pin you gong si | Buy Plant for the production of dimethylformamide Shanghai (China) inexpensively | shang hai sen fei hua xue pin you gong si : Allbiz
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Plant for the production of dimethylformamide

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理化性质:无色、淡的氨气味的液体。分子式C3-H7-N-O。分子量73.10。相对密度0.9445(25℃)。 熔点-61℃。沸点152.8℃。闪点57.78℃。蒸气密度2.51。蒸气压0.49kpa(3.7mmHg25℃)。 自燃点445℃。折射率1.42817,溶解度参数δ=12.1。蒸气与空气混合物爆炸极限2.2~15.2 。 与水和通常有机溶剂混溶。遇明火、高热可引起燃烧爆炸。能与浓硫酸、发烟硝酸剧烈反应甚至发生爆炸。 危险标记 7(易燃液体) 主要用途 主要用作工业溶剂,医药工业上用于
Group: Plant for the production of dimethylformamide


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